Come Grow With Us!!
You Are Welcome at Hillcrest!
A church on a hill …. letting our light shine!
Our New Website!

Welcome to a preview of our brand-new website! We will be building it from scratch during the year 2025. Please be patient and check back frequently for updates. And remember: “Christ in you, the hope of glory!” (Colossians 1:27.)
Brief Overview
Hillcrest Baptist Church is a small “rural” church with great facilities and loving people. Though small in number, we are eagerly waiting and watching to see what God will do in our midst after the retirement of our pastor. Come be a part of this exciting time!
We are located atop a hill in beautiful Hanover County. Our church family is loving and friendly. We strive to be a Bible-preaching church because the Bible is the Word of God. Our church is a place where you will feel welcomed, and we pray you will experience God’s rest and peace here. Come worship with us!
If you are just getting to know us through our website, we are delighted to help you get to know about us and we welcome you. Hillcrest Baptist Church is a family of people seeking to be Christ’s disciples and to bear His truth into our world. Come join us in this calling!
If you’re new to the Christian faith or if you’ve been a follower of Christ for some time, let us introduce you to our family. Whether in worship, Bible study, service, outreach and missions, or in just having fun together, we pray that you would experience a calling to be your church home. Come join us in this adventure!
About our Logo

Our logo was designed to identify our church family in both the literal and figurative senses. You will notice that it contains the elements of a hill, the cross, the light of Christ and a little flame that suggests the light within each member.
The crossbar from the “H” to the “T” forms a hill that serves to unify our entire name by placing us right where we need to be, under the sheltering arm of the cross of Christ. The crossbar’s gentle hill suggests the geographic location of our church, literally at the crest of a slight hill in Hanover County Virginia. Our church originally took its name in June 1984 from the local Hillcrest Farm.
The “T” represents the cross of Christ and how our church in turn represents Christ in our community. The rays of light that surround the top of the cross remind us that Jesus is the light of the world and that Hillcrest’s motto is “A light on a hill cannot be hidden.”
The candle flame that dots the letter ‘I’ reminds us of the Holy Spirit that dwells in each of us as individual members of Hillcrest Baptist Church.
Together these elements communicate that we, as individuals, are united under the cross of Christ to let our light shine out to our community just as the word of God is a beacon of light to the entire world.
Latest Blogs

Giving to Kingdom Causes
There are many worthwhile causes and many needs in our community, state, nation and world. How do we choose? How do we choose Kingdom causes? Is God glorified? Is Jesus preached? Are needs met?

Notes from my desk
When I acknowledge God in the everyday epiphanies and the awe-inspiring moments, I am reminded over and over again, that He is Creator, Sustainer, my Hope and my Life. And that leads me to the response of the Psalmist, “From everlasting to everlasting, you are God!”

Living Biblically: Give Thanks to God
every good and perfect gift comes from above (James 1:17-18). Especially, the gift of His Son (John 3:16, 2 Corinthians 9:15). Lord, give us the wisdom to be thankful to YOU.