About Us
Are you looking for a church where you can make a difference and GROW in your Faith? As a small rural church, we offer opportunities to serve (1 Peter 4:10) and to be and make disciples (Matthew 28:19)!
Though we may have highs and lows, we are GROWING UPWARD towards Christ-likeness (Romans 8:29).
We have a Great Commission Mission to reach the world for Christ, so we are GROWING OUTWARD (Acts 1:8).
We have a Great Commandment to Love One Another, so we are GROWING TOGHETHER in Obedience (John 13:34-35).
Lay Leadership
As we are awaiting on the LORD to provide guidance in the calling of our next pastor, we are a lay led congregational (Baptist) church.

Praying over Offertory
Deacon and Youth

Church Cleanup
Everyone Working Together

Yes, Baptists Like to Eat
Sonshine Sisters